Performance of Precious Metals in 2020 (USD)

Performance of Precious Metals in 2020 (USD) | Chart of the Week This week’s Chart focuses on emphasizing the strong performance that platinum has displayed over the last month. The chart…

Gold: Insurance for Prudent Investors

Gold: Insurance for Prudent Investors Precious metals reduce risk & preserve wealth by Nick Barisheff To download PDF Responsible homeowners and landlords insure their property against fires, floods and violent…

Gold, The Simple Math

Gold, The Simple Math The comments below are an edited and abridged synopsis of an article by John Hathaway The current pullback in the precious metals sector is a buying…

Should We Declare the Gold Bull Run Dead?

Should We Declare the Gold Bull Run Dead? The comments below are an edited and abridged synopsis of an article by Michael Maharrey Gold’s recent performance has led some to…