Interest Rate Shockwave A Surge Beyond The Norm 2023.09.12

Interest Rate Shockwave: A Surge Beyond the Norm | Chart of the Week

The week’s BullionBuzz Chart of the Week, is entitled “Interest Rate Shockwave: A Surge Beyond the Norm.

Mean reversion, also known as reverting to the mean, is a financial concept indicating that asset price fluctuations and past performance tend to return to the overall dataset’s long-term average.

This average level can manifest in various scenarios, including economic expansion, stock price volatility, a company’s price-to-earnings ratio (P/E ratio), or the mean return within a particular industry.

The resounding message from the world’s leading financial authorities is unmistakable: persistent inflation is a reality, and curbing it will necessitate an extraordinary endeavor, quite possibly resulting in a recession marked by unemployment and reverberations felt across emerging markets.

Interest Rate Shockwave: A Surge Beyond the Norm | Chart of the Week - BullionBuzz - Nick's Top Six

Sources:; BMG Group Inc.