Gold In Various World Currencies (Updated)

Gold In Various World Currencies (Updated) | Chart of The Week This week’s chart of the week shows gold in various currencies going back to 2000. This chart has been…

Bitcoin vs Gold

Bitcoin vs Gold | Chart of the Week Sources: YCharts, LBMA, BMG Group Inc. Gold is the precious metal counterpart to bitcoin. Like bitcoin, gold must be obtained through mining.…

Gold Outperforms Major Canadian Indices

Gold Outperforms Major Canadian Indices | Chart of the Week Gold is one of the most widely preferred “hedges” against a weak market/economy. It’s also an impressive safeguard against inflation,…

Housing Prices in Terms of Gold

Housing Prices in Terms of Gold | Chart of the Week Studying housing prices in terms of gold, provides a better idea of when housing may be expensive or cheap…

Biggest S&P 500 Declines vs Gold

Biggest S&P 500 Declines vs Gold | Chart of the Week In this chart, you can see that the first case was in 1976,  where the S&P lost 19% and…