Scotia Exits the Gold Market

Scotia Exits the Gold Market Robert Kientz of Gold Silver Pros visited with Nick Barisheff, CEO of BMG Group, regarding Scotiabank's announcement they are getting out of the gold…

The Illusion of Owning Gold | Nick Barisheff

The Illusion of Owning Gold | Nick Barisheff by Nick Barisheff To download a PDF version Gold-backed exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and similar products account for a significant part of the…

Silver Price Forecast: Strong Decade Ahead

Silver Price Forecast: Most Likely a Strong Decade Ahead The comments below are an edited and abridged synopsis of an article by Lyn Alden There is always more attention on…

Outlook For Gold in 2020

Outlook For Gold in 2020 | Empire Club of Canada | Investment Outlook 2020 By Nick Barisheff Good afternoon. It is a pleasure to speak at the Empire Club…

BMG Diversified Hedge Fund – Registration

BMG Group Inc. sees great risk and great opportunity in the current global financial markets and as such, the BMG Diversified Hedge Fund will seek to achieve long-term capital growth…