Living on Borrowed Time
The comments below are an edited and abridged synopsis of an article by Adam Taggart
How soon until the consequences of our excesses catch up with us?

Time is running out. In the real world, the resources we rely on to power the economy, sustain our modern lifestyle and put food in our bellies are rapidly becoming scarcer and more expensive.
Taggart discusses energy and minerals; the biosphere; and human beings, and concludes that it’s time to get busy.
“Society for its part is committed to the ‘(get) busy dying’ path. It’s still clutching tightly to Business As Usual. Like an alcoholic who has yet to admit to himself he has a drinking problem, it won’t address what it refuses to recognize.
So we can expect the status quo of consume-and-pollute to continue on for some time. Most likely it will be pursued until it simply proves too painful than the remaining alternatives. By which time our other options are likely to be materially worse than they are today. That’s the bad news.
The good news is that conscientious, critically thinking individuals like you can choose to get busy living.
There is much you can do during this time lag to invest in resilience and install regenerative models before the next systemic crisis is upon us.
Whatever time we have left, and it may very not be much, is a gift. Use it.
Many of the best defenses—like fitness, community, and valuable skills—require time to acquire. You can’t simply buy them off the shelf the way you can, say, a water filter or a backup generator. Once time has run out, you either already have them in place or you don’t.”