Gold Is Solid Money

Gold Is Solid Money

Gold Is Solid Money - Yvonne Blaszczyk by Yvonne Blaszczyk, President & Chief Executive Officer, BMG Group Inc. Renowned Wall Street trader and investment expert Gerald M. Loeb once stated,…

America’s Prolonged Economic Stagflation

America’s Prolonged Economic Stagflation The comments below are an edited and abridged synopsis of an article by David Stockman In the US, real personal income less transfer payments is a…

US Annualized Debt Costs Exceed $800 Billion

US Annualized Debt Costs Exceed $800 Billion The comments below are an edited and abridged synopsis of an article by Mark Cudmore US yields have ongoing upside pressure from the…

S&P 500 Bubble Symmetry

S&P 500 Bubble Symmetry | Chart of the Week This chart is based on the article by Charles Hugh Smith: What Goes Up Also Comes Down: The Heavy Hand Of…

Silent Killers of Stock and Bond Investors 50+

Silent Killers of Stock and Bond Investors 50+ The comments below are an edited and abridged synopsis of an article by Chris Vermeulen “Recently I was shocked after speaking with five…