Lest We Forget, Times of Market Distress

Lest We Forget, Times of Market Distress by Ryan Seale This month, October, is the 10-year anniversary of the S&P 500 Index’s gut-wrenching descent towards the ultimate bottom, which it…

Navigating Through The Storms

Navigating Through The Storms The comments above & below is an edited and abridged synopsis of an article by James Quinn The real cost of living for the average American…

JP Morgan Cornering Silver Bullion Market?

JP Morgan Cornering Silver Bullion Market? by Mark O'Byrne JP Morgan Chase, the largest US bank, one the largest providers of financial services in the world and one of the…

A Credit Implosion Is Coming

A Credit Implosion Is Coming by The Gold Report The biggest bubble of all is bursting—the bond market, where companies and the government borrow money—and it's twice as big as…

When This All Blows Up…

When This All Blows Up… by Chris Martenson Martenson predicts that unsustainable trends will inevitably blow up, favouring the Ka-POOM theory of Eric Janszen. The summary is that we’ve already…

Sound Money Is Rising at the State Level

Sound Money Is Rising at the State Level by Clint Siegner Inflation is the most pernicious of taxes levied by the US government. Officials systematically devalue the Federal Reserve’s dollar,…

“Brace for Economic Disruption”

“Brace for Economic Disruption” SocGen Sees “Sharp Rise in Gold” as India Plans Cap on Cash Holdings by Tyler Durden India's demonetization scheme (the banning of high-denomination banknotes) has caused…