100% Gold Portfolio

100% Gold Portfolio | Nick Barisheff by Nick Barisheff ​To download PDF version When I founded BMG Group Inc. (formerly Bullion Management Group Inc. - BMG) over 20 years ago,…

Gold Provides Superior Returns in 2020

Gold Provides Superior Returns in 2020 | BullionBuzz Chart of the Week This week's BullionBuzz Chart of the Week shows that investing in gold provides superior results in 2020 so…

The Illusion of Owning Gold | Nick Barisheff

The Illusion of Owning Gold | Nick Barisheff by Nick Barisheff To download a PDF version Gold-backed exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and similar products account for a significant part of the…

Gold Outperforms Berkshire Hathaway

Gold Outperforms Berkshire Hathaway by Nick Barisheff To download PDF of article Warren Buffett, also known as the Oracle of Omaha, controls and provides leadership for Berkshire Hathaway (Berkshire), a…

Gold Will Be a Top Investment

Ray Dalio: Gold Will Be a Top Investment during Upcoming ‘Paradigm Shift’ for Global Markets The comments below are an edited and abridged synopsis of an article by Jeff Cox…