Silver—Golden Opportunity

Silver—Golden Opportunity The comments below are an edited and abridged synopsis of an article by Egon von Greyerz There is one spectacular investment opportunity today that almost no one talks…

Silver’s Secret Bull Market

Silver’s Secret Bull Market by Sean Brodrick Based on the world’s silver ETFs, and the mountain of forces that are piling up, silver is poised to go much higher. Since…

Silver Price… Expecting the Unexpected

Silver Price… Expecting the Unexpected by Ted Butler Silver will soon explode in price, suddenly and shockingly, in a manner never seen before, including the great price run-ups in 1980…

JP Morgan Cornering Silver Bullion Market?

JP Morgan Cornering Silver Bullion Market? by Mark O'Byrne JP Morgan Chase, the largest US bank, one the largest providers of financial services in the world and one of the…

20 Reasons to Sell (BUY!!) Physical Silver

20 Reasons to Sell (BUY!!) Physical Silver by Bix Weir There is nothing that comes close to silver for supply/demand dynamics, investment fundamentals, investor participation ratios, fraud/manipulation realities, monetary importance…