Inflation by Decade

Loss of American Purchasing Power As Measured by The CPI Sources: Ycharts Datastream; BMG Group Inc.

S&P 500 Price Index (USD)

In the next market downturn, if the price of the S&P Index drops to previous low of $677 (March 9, 2009) then it would have decreased by 75%. If the…

Gold – Purchasing Power & Amount Mined, (USD)

Gold - Purchasing Power & Amount Mined, (USD) | BullionBuzz Chart of the Week Gold is a significantly better store of value than paper currencies. Sources:;; LBMA;…

Buyers and Sellers of Gold

Buyers and Sellers of Gold | BullionBuzz Chart of the Week Source: World Gold Council; BMG Group Inc.

Canaries in the Coal Mine

Canaries in the Coal Mine | BullionBuzz Chart of the Week Canaries in the Coal Mine BullionBuzz Chart of the week highlights the loss of various currencies purchasing power measured…

Financial Assets vs Gold

Financial Assets vs Gold | BullionBuzz Chart of the Week Source:; BMG Group Inc.