Volatility and Return

Volatility and Return - Dow Components and Precious Metals January 2000 - January 2019 Source: spindices.com; Ycharts Datastream; LBMA; BMG Group Inc.

More Return Less Risk

More Return, Less Risk | BullionBuzz Chart of the Week The impact of gold on a 60/40 portfolio All portfolio returns are calculated from 1970 - 2018, rebalanced annually at…

Performance of Gold S&P500 NASDAQ DOW & TSX

Performance of Gold, S&P500, NASDAQ & TSX | Chart of the Week This week's Chart of the Week, "Performance of Gold S&P500 NASDAQ DOW & TSX, security regulators have made…

Stocks and Gold

Stocks and Gold | BullionBuzz Chart of the Week Monthly data comparing gold's performance against TSX and S&P500 total return, including dividend, from December 1999-October 2018. (Click chart to enlarge)…

How Will This End?

How Will This End? | BullionBuzz Chart of the Week U.S. Government Debt Outstanding Continues to Rise Rapidly Source: Ycharts Datastream; BMG Group Inc.

Gold and the U.S. Dollar

Gold and the U.S. Dollar | BullionBuzz Chart of the Week Source: Yahoo Finance; Ycharts Datastream; BMG Group Inc.