BMG Elite Client Services

In line with our philosophy of exceptional service, BMG Group Inc. is pleased to advise that BMG Elite Client Services (a BMG company) will soon be launching. You will join…

More Return Less Risk

More Return, Less Risk | BullionBuzz Chart of the Week The impact of gold on a 60/40 portfolio All portfolio returns are calculated from 1970 - 2018, rebalanced annually at…

Dow Gold Ratio | Chart of the Week

Dow Gold Ratio | BullionBuzz Chart of the Week How many ounces of gold does it take to 'buy' one unit of the Dow Jones? Source:;; LBMA; BMG Group…

Gold – Purchasing Power & Amount Mined, (USD)

Gold - Purchasing Power & Amount Mined, (USD) | BullionBuzz Chart of the Week Gold is a significantly better store of value than paper currencies. Sources:;; LBMA;…

Technically Speaking: World Diverges from US

Technically Speaking: The World Diverges from The US The comments below are an edited and abridged synopsis of an article by Lance Roberts The markets were nervous as President Trump…