Gold Price Last 30 Days

Gold Price Last 30 Days | Chart of the Week This weeks BullionBuzz, Chart of the Week shows that gold has seen a 5.4% increase over the last 30 days.…

Bitcoin vs Gold

Bitcoin vs Gold | Chart of the Week This week's chart of the week highlights the volatility of Bitcoin vs the stability of gold from April 2021 to September 24,…

Gold in Various Currencies

Gold in Various Currencies | Chart of the Week This week's chart of the week shows gold in various currencies and that since 2000, gold has been the best-performing asset…

Consumer Inflation – Official vs ShadowStats

Consumer Inflation - Official vs ShadowStats (1990-Based) Alternate | Chart of the Week The CPI-U (consumer price index) is the broadest measure of consumer price inflation for goods and services…

Gold Price and Negative-Yielding Debt

Gold Price and Negative-Yielding Debt | Chart of the Week This week's chart of the week shows the decreased opportunity cost of holding bonds as a result of decreasing interest…