Stock Market Now Set up for Breathtaking Collapse as Gold Market Set to Win Big
The comments below are an edited and abridged synopsis of an article by King World News
The stock market is set for a breathtaking collapse, but the gold market is set to win big.

Otavio Costa: Pain is on the way. Buckle up: Stock market now set up for breathtaking collapse!
Charlie Bilello: Crude oil is now down 1% on the year after being up over 60% at its peak in March. This sharp reversal mirrors the back half of 2008 when commodity prices plummeted as the global recession deepened.
Stephanie Pomboy: Analysts see 5.6% EPS growth in 2023. Those same analysts have historically overestimated the final EPS number by 7% one year in advance. So you can bet your bottom dollar that the profits recession is coming.
Graddhy from Sweden: A big-picture chart shows how extremely undervalued commodities are even after a 220% baby bull move. This glorious commodities bull market will be the greatest opportunity in your lifetime to get out of the rat race. Global capital flows are changing.
Graddhy from Sweden: Provides a chart showing that when SPX cannot outperform the US Producer Price Index (PPI) any more as big inflation starts, gold starts to outperform the SPX. Gold reacts to big inflation, just as it should. A global paradigm shift is in the making.
Graddhy from Sweden: Gold priced in Canadian dollars is also on the move. There is a good-looking false break out and a massive 2-year yellow triangle continuation pattern.
Also just released: Crisis is all around us as the central bank gold-buying binge continues; The $80 trillion surprise, plus shocking charts of silver, the US dollar and housing; Buckle up: we’ve entered the final phase of the terrifying endgame—all fiat currencies will be destroyed; The price of silver is poised to explode higher.