Silver’s Biggest Gains Starting Now

Silver’s Biggest Gains Starting Now The comments below are an edited and abridged synopsis of an article by David Morgan David discusses the saying, “Ninety percent of the move comes…

Black Swans, Ordinary Swans and Metals

Black Swans, Ordinary Swans and Metals The comments below are an edited and abridged synopsis of an article by GE Christenson Expect more of what happened in 2020 in 2021—massive…

Another COMEX Price Smash

Another COMEX Price Smash The comments below are an edited and abridged synopsis of an article by Craig Hemke It appears there is now no reason to own gold in…

Gold: Insurance for Prudent Investors

Gold: Insurance for Prudent Investors Precious metals reduce risk & preserve wealth by Nick Barisheff To download PDF Responsible homeowners and landlords insure their property against fires, floods and violent…

What’s Ahead for The Gold Market?

What's Ahead for The Gold Market? The comments below are an edited and abridged synopsis of an article by Rudi Fronk and Jim Anthony Gold entered a period of increased…