It’s Bubble Time!

It’s Bubble Time! by Chris Martenson The delusion much of society wants to believe in is that we can get something for nothing. That is, to become rich, all we…

The Myths of Gold Confiscation

The Myths of Gold Confiscation by Nick Barisheff To download PDF of this article If we experience a debt crisis, as many economists believe is inevitable, many people believe that…

The Central Banks Face Unwelcome Realities

The Central Banks Face Unwelcome Realities: Their Policies Boosted Wealth Inequality and Failed to Generate “Growth” by Charles Hugh Smith When the Fed ended its $3.7 trillion experiment of vastly…

Don’t Blame Trump When the World Ends

Don’t Blame Trump When the World Ends by M.N. Gordon A stock market crash is in the cards. When it comes, President Trump is not the one who should be…