100% Gold Portfolio

100% Gold Portfolio | Nick Barisheff by Nick Barisheff ​To download PDF version When I founded BMG Group Inc. (formerly Bullion Management Group Inc. - BMG) over 20 years ago,…

Scotiabank Leaves Precious Metals Market

Scotiabank Leaves Precious Metals Market | Nick Barisheff https://youtu.be/PoORGLdij5I Nick Barisheff, president & CEO , BMG Group Inc., visits with Chris Powell, GATA to discuss Scotia's decision to leave the…

Scotia Exits the Gold Market

Scotia Exits the Gold Market https://youtu.be/WJQCA2qAtpg Robert Kientz of Gold Silver Pros visited with Nick Barisheff, CEO of BMG Group, regarding Scotiabank's announcement they are getting out of the gold…

V-Shaped Narrative Dies

V-Shaped Narrative Dies as Commercial Real Estate Bust Accelerates The comments below are an edited and abridged synopsis of an article by Tyler Durden The last week of June is…

Bankruptcy Tsunami Begins

Bankruptcy Tsunami Begins: Thousands of Default Notices Are ‘Flying Out The Door’ The comments below are an edited and abridged synopsis of an article by Tyler Durden There is a…