Worst Case Scenario = 73% Down from Here

Worst Case Scenario = 73% Down from Here by James Quinn Based on never-ending mainstream media happy talk, you would think we are in a bull market of epic proportions.…

And Then There Was None: Canada Sells its Gold

And Then There Was None: Canada Sells its Gold by David Chapman Click to download article PDF Canada, bucking an international trend that has seen central banks become net buyers…

Six Biggest Myths About Gold

The Six Biggest Myths About Gold by Nick Barisheff To download PDF version of article Gold. People either love it or hate it. There aren’t many who feel ambivalent toward…

Why Buy Gold?

Why Buy Gold? Gold is money. It provides wealth protection because it maintains its purchasing power better than paper currencies. At present, the world’s major currencies are suffering from significant…

Investment Forecasts For 2015 – Gold Eagle

Investment Forecasts for 2015 - Gold Eagle Gold-Eagle (G-E) had the great pleasure and honor of interviewing Nick Barisheff recently. ****** G-E: What is your overall Investment Outlook for 2015?…

Challenging the Mainstream Propaganda

Challenging the Mainstream Propaganda by Nick Barisheff To download PDF version of article Paul Joseph Goebbels was the Minister of Propaganda in Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945. He once…

Second-Greatest Opportunity to Buy Gold

Second-Greatest Opportunity to Buy Gold | Empire Club Investment Outlook 2014 As presented by Nick Barisheff at the 20th Annual Empire Club Investment Outlook Luncheon | January 9, 2014 |…