Rig for Stormy Weather

Rig for Stormy Weather The comments above & below is an edited and abridged synopsis of an article by Gary Christenson The Dow is at an all-time high. Interest rates…

The Biggest Wealth Transfer in History

The Biggest Wealth Transfer in History The comments above & below is an edited and abridged synopsis of an article by Egon von Greyerz The concentration of global wealth has…

What Could Go Wrong?

What Could Go Wrong? The comments above & below is an edited and abridged synopsis of an article by James Howard Kunstler Jerome Powell, the next Fed chairman, once said that…

Perils of Complacency

The Perils of Complacency by James Rickards When the Washington noise gets loud enough, Rickards has to assess the effect it may have on markets. He’s been warning about these…

Panic! Like It’s 1837

Panic! Like It’s 1837 by Daily Bell In 1837, New York banks realized that the easy money they were lending was unsustainable, and demanded payment in specie, or in gold…

Best Investment Practices

Best Investment Practices by Axel Merk How does one construct a portfolio in an era of (seemingly) ever rising and highly correlated asset prices? Years of asset prices moving higher…

A Credit Implosion Is Coming

A Credit Implosion Is Coming by The Gold Report The biggest bubble of all is bursting—the bond market, where companies and the government borrow money—and it's twice as big as…

The Soon to Erupt Euro Experiment

The Soon to Erupt Euro Experiment by Gordon T. Long  It was clear that an EU monetary union would require a political union to centralize decisions about tax and public…