Donald Trump’s “Madness”

Donald Trump’s “Madness” The comments below are an edited and abridged synopsis of an article by Hugo Salinas Price The problem of the world's monetary system, based on the paper…

Three Black Swans

Three Black Swans The comments above & below is an edited and abridged synopsis of an article by John Mauldin We all face economic and financial risk that we need…

Decline and Fall of the Euro Union

The Decline and Fall of the Euro Union by Alasdair Macleod MacLeod identifies headwinds faced by the European Union in the wake of Brexit. Without the UK, not only does…

Silver: Commodity or Money?

Silver: Commodity or Money? by Dan Popescu Even today, 150 years after silver was demonetized and 45 years since silver has disappeared in any proportion from physical coins, silver still is circulating, if…

Why Buy Platinum?

Why Buy Platinum? While gold and silver have been used as money for thousands of years, platinum too has served as an economic store of value. Platinum has the most…