Decline and Fall of the Euro Union

The Decline and Fall of the Euro Union by Alasdair Macleod MacLeod identifies headwinds faced by the European Union in the wake of Brexit. Without the UK, not only does…

Biggest Stock Bubble in US History

The Biggest Stock Bubble in US History by Investment Research Many argue that the P/E ratio on the S&P 500 was higher in 1999 than it is now. But when…

Physical Silver – To Buy or Not?

Physical Silver – To Buy or Not? by David Morgan Many believe that gold is the only asset that isn’t someone else’s liability, but Morgan argues that not only does…

It’s Bubble Time!

It’s Bubble Time! by Chris Martenson The delusion much of society wants to believe in is that we can get something for nothing. That is, to become rich, all we…

The Central Banks Face Unwelcome Realities

The Central Banks Face Unwelcome Realities: Their Policies Boosted Wealth Inequality and Failed to Generate “Growth” by Charles Hugh Smith When the Fed ended its $3.7 trillion experiment of vastly…

Gold and Silver… The Golden Lye

Gold and Silver… The Golden Lye by Michael Noonan Lye [noun]—A strongly alkaline solution, esp. of potassium hydroxide, used for washing or cleansing. There has been an ongoing cleansing in…