Three Decades of Central Bank Gold Demand

Three Decades of Central Bank Gold Demand | Transition from Net Sales to Net Acquisitions | Chart of the Week Sources: Visualcapitalist, Metals Focus, Refinitiv GFMS, World Gold Council, BMG…

World Central Bank Gold Demand Trends

World Central Bank Gold Demand Trends | Chart of the Week 2022 was not only the thirteenth consecutive year of net purchases, but also the highest level of annual demand…

Central Bank Gold Demand Trends

Central Bank Gold Demand Trends | Chart of the Week This week's Chart of the Week, shows that Central bank buying hit all-time highs as they bought almost 400t of…

Gold’s Growing Appeal Amid US Debt Concerns

Gold’s Growing Appeal Amid US Debt Concerns

Gold’s Growing Appeal Amid US Debt Concerns The comments below are an edited and abridged synopsis of an article by Brandon Green The United States is facing an increasingly unsustainable…