The Buffett Indicator Compared with Gold Price

The Buffett Indicator Compared with Gold Price | Chart of the Week Warren Buffett famously described the stock market capitalization-to-GDP ratio as “the best single measure of where valuations stand at any…

The Buffett Indicator (Revised – November 2022)

The Buffett Indicator (Revised - November 2022) | US Markets are Overvalued | Chart of the Week In 2001, Warren Buffett famously described the stock market capitalization-to-GDP ratio as “the best single…

Buffett Indicator

Buffett Indicator | BullionBuzz Chart of the Week Stock Market Cap. Divided by GDP The only time this indicator has been higher than today was during the Tech Bubble  …

Buffet Indicator – Revised

The Buffet Indicator - Revised | BullionBuzz Chart of the Week Wilshire 5000 divided by US GDP Source: Thomson Reuters Datastream; BMG Group Inc.

Stocks Have “Considerably More Downside”

Stocks Have “Considerably More Downside” The comments below are an edited and abridged synopsis of an article by Quoth The Raven Despite the stock market’s recent rally, it continues to…

Value vs. Historical Trend Since 1990

Buffett Indicator: Value vs. Historical Trend Since 1990 | Chart of the Week The Buffett Indicator at all time highs. Is this cause for concern? Source:

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