What Is America Going to Look Like

What Is America Going to Look Like When Stocks, Home Prices and Even Used Cars all Crash by at Least 50 Percent? by Michael Snyder In 2008 we saw what…

Our Economies Run on Housing Bubbles

Our Economies Run on Housing Bubbles by Raul Ilargi Meijer We are witnessing the demise of the world’s two largest economic power blocks, the US and EU. Given deteriorating economic…

Silver Thoughts with The Silver Guru

Silver Thoughts with The Silver Guru - An Interview with David Morgan Nick Barisheff interviews David Morgan to discuss his new book, "The Second Chance", silver, the economy, and more.…

When This All Blows Up…

When This All Blows Up… by Chris Martenson Martenson predicts that unsustainable trends will inevitably blow up, favouring the Ka-POOM theory of Eric Janszen. The summary is that we’ve already…

Physical Silver – To Buy or Not?

Physical Silver – To Buy or Not? by David Morgan Many believe that gold is the only asset that isn’t someone else’s liability, but Morgan argues that not only does…

Trump and the National Debt

Trump and the National Debt by James McBride With the US national debt expanding rapidly over the past decade, the state of the federal budget has come under intense scrutiny.…